How often do you use the word can’t… No really… Think about it. How often do we use that word and what does it mean. I can remember a time when I allowed myself to think small. Like really small. I thought constantly about what wasn’t possible and how it couldn’t happen and what wouldn’t work.
It sucked. Most things seemed impossible.
You know what’s really interesting about the word can’t? When you remove that word from your vocabulary. Yup.
That’s right… when you remove the word can’t altogether from your vocabulary…. Amazing th ings happen.
I’ll tell you what happens first without you knowing it and whether or now your ready…. All of a sudden things start looking possible. Truth is, the word that you should have been using all along is won’t not can’t…. Yup that’s right. It’s not that it wasn’t possible or that it can’t happen. It’s really that I wasn’t willing to do what it takes to make it happen. Food for thought…. Remove the word can’t for 30 days… I dare you… Actually I take that back. I double dare you…. See what happens. One things for sure…
You’ll realize quickly that you can. Not only that, a hell of a lot of things willabsolutely start to look possible.