Tiffany Largie
2 min readSep 14, 2015

I firmly believe that building a bigger life starts with being grateful… I introduce you to #TheGratefulProject..

Everyday we want to focus on the big things, when asked what we are grateful for we say the traditional responses:
My Family My House, My Friends, My Job…. but how often do we dive into the little things that we get to experience each day:

  • A thought
  • A person we interacted with
  • A moment in time of something amazing that we got to witness
  • A smile we received, or that we had the opportunity to give
  • A random feeling that came and went in an instant
  • A awesome cop of coffee
  • A new outfit that we feel great in
  • A double rainbow
  • A sunset… or that sunrise….
  • A movie that made you laugh hard, cry, or inspired..

Honestly, I could go on and on about the amazing things that we get to experience every day…and we just walk right past them… we dont acknowledge them… we dont thank anyone for it. We just expect it.

I know that there are many people that will never get to experience some of these amazing things that I get to experience… for that along, I am grateful.

Don’t JUST focus on the BIG things…. take a moment to look for the little things too.

I take a moment everyday… want to join us on #TheGratefulProject. If you are ready for a bigger business, a bigger life… or a bigger you. Then this IS a place for you tot start.

yes… I never say… never… and I never say die… this maybe the thing that I am grateful for most.

If you want to tap into the grateful project or you just want to connect would love to connect..come find me on @tiffanylargie Tiffany Largie-Smith OR you come hang with me @

Or you know what… let’s just talk…

P.S. What did you do today to make an impact?

Tiffany Largie
Tiffany Largie

Written by Tiffany Largie

Founder of #OnwardsToFreedom, Community for Dreamers & Entrepreneurs worldwide who are done settling. Story, Sales & Marketing Strategist. AKA The Shadow CEO.

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