I went hiking a few weeks ago and about two miles in you start to see some water and one of the main goal points to reach is a cliff that’s parallel to a waterfall. When you reach most just sit at the bottom of the falls admiring it and taking time to rest. While I was there, one guy decided that he was going to go against the norm and he started to climb the waterfall. Now I really want you to understand that this is not something that we are supposed to do. Everyone just gets to the location and then they sit. There is no trail and no clear path. No one keeps going. And to most going past this point would seen damn near impossible. Against all the advice of his family who traveled to the water with him, this one young man decided to go.
You could tell as he stood at the bottom of this thing looking up the top, fear was present…he was scared. It was clear that his journey would not be quick not easy. Even though he was scared he didn’t let fear stop him. Despite being scared moments later he started the climb. Everyone sat below and watched.
This picture is him 20 minutes later at the top grinning from ear to ear, shouting down below just how beautiful everything was from there.
We were all jealous. Very Jealous.
Here’s what I need you to grasp from this.
1. He moved forward even though he was scared.
2. He did what others were not willing to do.
3. He moved forward with his plan despite all of the advice around him.
4. He moved forward even though the path was not clear.
5. He alone enjoyed the benefits while all of us watched in jealously.
6. He benefited because he was willing to do something that we were not.
7. He went it alone.
No I love hearing gurus and experts talk about how to face fear. It’s like there is this place of the unknown in which only a select few have been granted the knowledge of how fear is overcome.
There is no special process of overcoming fear and to be honest with you often times fear does not go away. The key is to not let fear paralyze you.
I tell my clients that it’s actually OK to be afraid. However they have to move anyways. Yup that’s right, you can be afraid you just have to move anyways.