Mind & Body A Rant on Both.
It is was 6:30 on a Sunday Morning…
There is always time for what YOU decide is important.
Stop with the excuses.
**** Rant ~ Working out your mind is so much more than reading a book… working out your body is so much more than going for a run…
When I read something that forces me to think that changes my perspective that opens my eyes my entire body feels it my nervous system take to shift my mind feels for year, and sometimes I even get goosebumps I need that shift and my physical state.
When I go to the gym or go for a long walk my mind gets renewed I take deep breath’s I look at the sky and the world around me differently I change my perspective yes my body is moving but my mind is expanding. You absolutely have to do both of these things daily.
No exception that is if you want to grow
If you want a freedom life
If you want to stop being broke
if you want to live a life with options
If you want the creativity in your life or your business…
Work out your mind … body or both…
Bottom line is you MUST work out something.
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