No ma’am. I won’t embrace that.
Mind you I stayed up till 4 and then I took a nap…
I opened up Facebook and the FIRST post I saw this morning was someone whom I am friends with that said
“ I can’t remember a time in my life when I was THIS happy to wake up, especially in the last 8 years… this is the happiest I have felt in almost a decade long God Bless America” .
Are you flipping kidding me?
Be happy for the win… I get it. I respect that.
I unfriended her. Why?
Because regardless of who you wanted to win. I believe you are a fool if you believe in anyway shape form or figure that we don’t have a big sea of division on our hands today.
But you cannot tell me you are happy knowing that your city, state and the country and its people where we all call home is divided in such an ugly way.
We are not divided with by political parties but by color, religion, values, and beliefs. In the last couple of elections, we were upset because we didn’t like the person or their policies. Makes sense. I get that. We fought the decision because we believed that they were going to do a poor job of running the country and make it bad for all of us.
This morning there are people I know that are afraid more for their lives than ever. They are afraid for their physical safety. As a person who has lived in a city and been afraid, day after day night after night, sale after sale, customer after customer. I understand that fear.
For me that’s real.
If you voted for trump congratulations. But please don’t tell me that THIS moment is your happiest moment EVER in the last 8 years. I am disappointed not only because I question the quality of your life… but honestly because on either side, I would question your moral compass if THIS was your happiest moment either way.
The truth is, there is nothing good in division. There is nothing good in promoting inequality, there is nothing good in devaluing another human being, there is nothing good about not being accepted because of your color.
Let me say this clearly. I will not allow that. I am never happy when someone else is hurting, even if I am on the winning team.
You can’t accept injustice just because you don’t feel like affects you directly. I live in California now, and my life is SO different, I am not afraid when I go to sleep at night… but when I lived in NC last year… boy that was a totally different story, the memories and experiences are stacked high… I think I’ll leave that for another time.
*** End Rant… I have a mission to focus on…