You flipping quit? Wrong move. Absolute wrong move.
The possibilities of this thing have literally been eating away at your inside… keep you up at night. And you just quit. You know why because you could not see all the steps clearly laid out and the “how” part of this thing looks like this ridiculously large gray cloud just blocking everything in front of you.
When things seem dark ahead and impossible… that’s when we must keep going. Not should, but must.
Hopefully, you had the time to read about my 4-year-old. The little entrepreneur that said never say die. Who had a Lemonade stand that didn’t become a reality until the beginnings of fall from and idea, she simply could let go of.
Like most amazing entrepreneurs when she did it she had a long list of odds against her:
1. She is 4 years old she can’t pull this off alone. She must have help.
2. Her Angel investor ( mom ) was pulling out of the deal and not providing the resources or funds promised.
3. We were out of the peak season for this product. Fall was approaching.
4. She didn’t have enough money to finish.
5. She was afraid.
6. She had no experience.
7. No one else on her team was taking her idea seriously.
Here is the secret. She didn’t need anyone else to believe in her idea. She believed in it. In most cases. This is really all you need. What stands in the way of the dream becoming a reality lies within your ability to believe in your dream first, and being willing to do whatever it takes to make it a reality. For Kayla, the first step was asking me each and every day. She was persistent. Though no one else was on board with her. She didn’t let it die.
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Come hang with me and I’ll help you quickly build a stronger business.